Sunday, 31 May 2009

A sudden thought........

I was putting my hair in a bobble today and I had a sudden 'epiphany' about my hair history.
The last 2 hair do's I have had have been a big step for me as I had them for me and not for the 'image' I thought I should portray as a fat girl. I have always gone for big curly hair and going for a multitued of 'wacky' or 'zany' colours to fit my larger than life personallity. I did this subconsciously to take peoples attention away from my size, and lets face it it didn't.

Now I am choosing hair do's to suit me and how I feel about myself now and not as something to hide behind...............

Thank god for that! No poodles in sight!!!

New hair do.

I am really pleased with it. Will need to do it myself to be totally happy but overall I love it!!!

The colour is actually more red but doesn't really show up on this pic.

I love having my hair done, it really relaxes me. Lolly had her's done today too and she looks soooo cute!

We had a lovely girly day.


Friday, 29 May 2009

All hail the WW gods...........

The weightwatchers gods are looking after me today, decided to have a quick walk round the city centre and was fighting the urge to nip into Greggs when I saw some Muller Yoghurt stalls giving out free Mullers!!! I got a lovely low fat mandarin one for 1.5points. I have just sat and ate it in my lovely cool office and I can feel the halo sitting firmly back in place! Thank you WW gods! lol

New hairdo tomorrow.

I love having my hair done and if I was obscenely rich I would employ someone to do my hair every day!!

I am going to have a lovely thick fringe cut in and a nice chocolatey brown colour all over. I am nervous about the fringe but worse case scenario I will grip it back if I don't like it! lol

I know I am nervous cos I had a weird dream last night, I was having my hair cut but there was no mirror so when the hairdresser had finished I went to find a mirror and they had shaved the top and back to number 1 length but left curly long bits at the side so I looked like a poodle!! I was sobbing and everything!! lol

Anyway, I will put a picture on here tomorrow, good or bad, of my new haircut.

I was really tired and fed up last night and ended up doing no exercise and I can't believe how disappointed I was in myself.......if I had just made the effort I would have enjoyed it once I started but I didn't.......because of that I feel crap today too but I am determined to do loads of exercise tonight and really work up a sweat. I am not going to stop until I have done AT LEAST an hour.


Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Woo....bloody.....hoo! :0)

Lost 2.5lbs this week!!!!! I feel really good!
I am so much more motivated now!

Onward and downward!! lol


Weigh in tonight...........

I am looking forward to this one as I know that I have been really good and as you can see from posts below that I have been exercising like a lunatic. I am really nervous too because I know how unpredictable our bodies are, mine is no exception, but I should have a loss.

Fingers crossed!!!!


Monday, 25 May 2009

Oh my goodness.....

I ache, I hope it is worth it at weigh in tomorrow!!!!

Walked for 1 hour yesterday and 3 hours today and also tried out my new Wii fit thing, EA Sports active. This is on top of doing my Wii fit for on average of 50 mins each day as well, what on earth has happened to me?!?!?! lol

I have only done day one of the 30 day challenge but it was really good, favourite so far is the skating where you do tricks off a ramp! I was quite good after I stopped laughing!

All this exercise should really give my weight loss a boost and apart from the weird blip last week I lost 2 lbs each week the previous two, my average weight loss is between half and 1lb so it must be helping.

I am also going to be buying the Jillian Michaels one (American trainer off Biggest Loser) when her's comes out.

Loving exercising so far!!!!


Friday, 22 May 2009

Catch up.

Derren Brown was fab, fab, fab, fab, fab and a bit of fab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you what happened as he asked us at the end to keep the contents of the show a secret for other people who hadn't seen it yet so as not to spoil it. He is an absolute genius and my new god! Nuff said!!!

So after my stupid gain (no I am not over it yet! lol) I have managed not to go off the rails and I have carried on being a good girl and have also upped my exercise time on the Wii and last night I really put my all into it. Because this is a busy week I have even planned my Wii fit session! lol Even though I was off work this morning I still got up with Matt so after I had packed him off to school I left Lolly having a lovely lie in and went on the Wii, it was 7.30am people!!!! Spent the rest of the day having a girly day with Lolly finished with a lovely tea with Andy, the kids and Andy's parents. Lovely. Tomorrow I am working a wedding with my sister so I plan to do my Wii fit when the kids are at their dancing lesson so I can have a long shower after and be refreshed for work. I know if I do this I will not be tempted to have any of the chocolate fountain when we clear it down.

I am sooooo good! lol


Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Derren Brown tonight!!!! Woohoo!

I can't bloody wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 19 May 2009


'what is on my mind?!?!?' I will tell you, I have put on a f*cking lb which was totally undeserved and yes I have got my period!!!!! I hate being a woman!!! End of..............

Weigh in tonight...........

and I really don't know what to expect.

I have had a really good week points wise and I am still as addicted to my Wii fit as last week, was looking forward to stepping on tonight until....da da daaaaaaaaaaaaa..........the dreaded TOTM appeared!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhh!!!

This will be the 4th one in 8 weeks so a bit bloody fed up! It is costing me a bloody fortune in Tampax!! Why isn't Tampax free like condoms?! We don't get any choice about having periods so why should we have to pay a small fortune to deal with it?!?!? This is a topic that I will quite gladly get my soap box out for if pushed! lol

Anyway, will let you know how weigh in goes tonight.


Monday, 18 May 2009

Draining day.

Had an appointment today to take Matt to Ryegate which I hate doing, they are always emotional and draining even though they are there to help.

I went with the specific goal to get Matt some counselling, he is more settled in school but we are having problems with his anger mainly stemming from how he feels about his Dad and not being able to deal with him leaving and not being on the scene. Heartbreaking but we asked for help and hopefully we will get an appointment before the end of July for a psychological assesment and then we will see what they suggest from there.

I know there will be things that will be hard to hear but he really needs this and what sort of Mum would I be if I didn't try everything I could to make his life easier?


Sunday, 17 May 2009


Had a good day today, the kids let us have a lovely lay-in for a change then I did a Wii fit challenge with them which they thought was great! One thing I dont agree with on the Wii fit is that they still show the BMI and weight for children, if kids are under a certain age they shouldnt show them as it could cause them to obsess about their weight! Anyway I digress, after the challenge we had a light lunch and watched Britains Got Talent from last night, I dont think anyone actually stood out but Ant and Dec were on form so that made up for it.

They have all gone up to their own rooms now to do their own thing which means if I feel like it I may even have a nap! Andy will be taking will home later so will be doing my Wii fit then then I will get work stuff ready so I can chill for the rest of the night.

Lazy days, gotta love 'em!


Friday, 15 May 2009


Did 40 minutes on the Wii fit last night and unlocked yet another Yoga position. The mere thought of Yoga bores me but because I have now unlocked them all I thought I would give it a chance and had a go at a few!

I was bloody rubbish!!!! I have got no sense of balance at all and my trainer kept telling me that I was swaying, who wouldnt be stood on one foot with the other tucked up around my crotch?!? Anyway, needless to say I found it as boring as I thought I would, I think this is because I am of the old school way of thinking in that if I am not sweating and out of breath then it isn't working. I just didn't FEEL like it was doing anything for me. I will probably give it another whirl but for now I will stick to the aerobic stuff and muscle workout.

BTW the one called 'Sun Salutation' should , in my opinion, be called the 'Moon Salutation' surely?????


Thursday, 14 May 2009

Last night.

OK so I bought another 10 creme eggs today from the same woman as yesterday, she looked at me with a bit of suprise so I reassured her that I hadnt eaten all the ones from yesterday I am just taking advantage of a good offer! I wonder if I could freeze them????

I am having another good day and so far everything has been pointed and I am reaching for the halo polish!

I was really proud of myself last night, I did 30 minutes on the Wii as soon as I got home with the intention of chilling out with my mate Jean for the rest of the evening but she called and couldnt make it cos she had S & D and didnt want us to get poorly, I was disappointed as we always sit and set the world to rights on a Wednesday evening, anyway, once the kids were fed and in bed I settled down and the dreaded boredom set it!! I straight away thought 'I could eat something.....', I wasn't happy with how my train of thought was going so I sat and thought about what I could do to stop it.

I decided I would watch Emerdale and Corrie and then get the Wii fit back out, set it up for 30 minutes on the step aerobics and do it while I watched the soap awards so this is what I did. The 30 minutes went really fast and I was well chuffed that I had done it, my craving for food was gone, I felt warmer (it was sooo cold last night) and I slept like a log!

Going to try for an hour again tonight if possible.


Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Creme eggs for 11p each!!!

I love my creme eggs and I totally enjoy every bit for the 3.5points.

I went into my local co-op today and they are selling theirs for 11p each!!! I had just got myself used to the idea that I ahd had my last one until next year so I stood and pondered for a bit about bought 10, now I know that sounds excessive but I was considering getting 20!!! ROFL!

I am really good controlling eating these so I am not worried about having a creme egg binge one night, I may go and stock up and get some more tomorrow.........

We will see.


Tuesday, 12 May 2009

2lbs off thanks to the Wii fit!!

I am well chuffed with my weigh in this week, it has given me even more motivation to stick to going on the Wii and making sure I do at least 30 minutes a day.

I feel so in control now and back on track it feels great!



Bored in my job.

This is very unusual for me as I love my job.

At the moment my boss is off as he has torn the ligaments on his left leg which means he can do paperwork from home but can't go and see clients, now my job is phoning clients and getting new customers for him to visit (I also do all the admin and accounts), so because he can't that means my job is just doing the humdrum every day stuff.

It means that I am getting bored at work and I hate feeling like this, I end up feeling tired and I have no motivation at all.

I don't even know when he will be back but I can't see it happening for at least a couple more weeks and then he will have to take it easy. He is going stir crazy at home and is obviously feeling like he has no control over what is happening here, so frustration all round!!



Monday, 11 May 2009

50 Minutes!

I have done 50 minutes of mainly aerobics on the Wii fit tonight and I unlocked loads more stuff including the boxing which is bloody brilliant, loads of fun!!

Whatever the scales show tomorrow I am well proud of myself for getting some exercise this week.


Ooooo achey!

The tops of my legs and my tummy is achey this morning, this could either mean that the Wii fit is working or I am exercising wrong, hope it is the former!!

Either way I am feeling good for doing some exercise, hope it shows on the scales tomorrow night.

It would be great if my Wii fit was right with my loss so far but like I said I won't get too giddy!

Looking forward to going on I addicted!?!?


Sunday, 10 May 2009

Wii fit exercise so far......

I bloody love it, I have managed to do half an hour every day except one since I got it and boy do I know it! I love the hula hoop one and the step aerobics. I am not very good at the push ups where you have to go onto one hand and apparantly I am unbalanced! lol

I set myself a goal of 3lbs lost in 2 weeks and I have already lost that according to my Wii board but I am taking it with a pinch of salt and I will still be taking my weigh in at WW as the official one.

The one thing I don't like is the voice the Wii talks to you in and the fact that it sounds like it is saying 'ouch' every time I stand on the board!!! ROFL


Friday, 8 May 2009

Armed seige and chocolate cake!

Our whole street woke up to this today, not what you need on a Friday morning I can tell you! We had to stay in our homes until the police said it was ok to go.

I had to phone 2 schools and work and it felt really weird saying that we may not be in because of an armed siege!! I am sure they thought I was making a prank call!!

Fortunately the man has been arrested so the street will be clear when we get home later. I got to work and that is when the realisation hit me how dangerous it had all been especially when me and the kids had to run down our road to get off the street!

I got a huge coffee and by good luck it was a work colleagues birthday today and she had bought in cake which I had a piece of and I won't be counting!

What a morning, glad it is all over.................


Thursday, 7 May 2009

Wii fit.................

Wii fit, Wii fit, Wii fit, Wii fit, Wii fit, Wii fit......................

Came today, woohoo!

Done half an hour already and I love it!!

This has arrived in time for upping my exercise as we discussed at this weeks WW meeting. I am going to do half an hour every day and see if it makes a difference in my weigh in.


Catch up...........

I must have been busy with me not posting for a while but I couldn't really tell you doing what?

Had a 4th birthday party yesterday and went to see Hannah Montana but that's about it really.

I went to weigh in and lost 2lbs which I am pleased about but I need to lose at least another 2.5lbs to get back to what I was before the great body rebellion of 2009! lol

Definately back in the zone though so here's looking to another good loss next week.


Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Weigh in day.

So after sticking to my points again this week I am hoping that my body has stopped playing silly buggers and will give me a loss at the scales tonight, on the plus side I have managed to lose cm's off my body compared to last time I measured it so something positive to cling to. I am convinced that that massive gain I had was done to water retention so I am prepared for that the next time my period is due.

I wore my new dress on Saturday and got some lovely compliments which always helps. It was so comfy and if I feel comfy I feel happy.

It definately feels like I have turned the corner and my positive head is nearly back in place, let's hope the scales don't knock it back off again.....................


Friday, 1 May 2009

My new dress!!

I love it, I love it!!!!

Of course I will be wearing it over my jeans or trousers but it is gorgeous!!!

Andy came home from work yesterday with gifts for us all and this was mine, he got Lolly a lovely skirt and top and he is getting the boys something over the weekend.

He has got it spot on, I love the style and the colour and the size is exactly right!

I love my 'Gok Wan'! ROFL
