Friday, 29 May 2009

New hairdo tomorrow.

I love having my hair done and if I was obscenely rich I would employ someone to do my hair every day!!

I am going to have a lovely thick fringe cut in and a nice chocolatey brown colour all over. I am nervous about the fringe but worse case scenario I will grip it back if I don't like it! lol

I know I am nervous cos I had a weird dream last night, I was having my hair cut but there was no mirror so when the hairdresser had finished I went to find a mirror and they had shaved the top and back to number 1 length but left curly long bits at the side so I looked like a poodle!! I was sobbing and everything!! lol

Anyway, I will put a picture on here tomorrow, good or bad, of my new haircut.

I was really tired and fed up last night and ended up doing no exercise and I can't believe how disappointed I was in myself.......if I had just made the effort I would have enjoyed it once I started but I didn't.......because of that I feel crap today too but I am determined to do loads of exercise tonight and really work up a sweat. I am not going to stop until I have done AT LEAST an hour.



  1. "I am going to have a lovely thick fringe cut in and a nice chocolatey brown colour all over."
    Gotta get that chocolate fix somehow, eh? :))

  2. You will look fab! Its amazing how much of a boost a new 'do gives ya, looking forward to seeing the pic. Have a good weekend x
