Monday, 12 January 2009

Stage one complete........

This weekend was spent up in the attic sorting everything out, we managed to clear out 7 black bin liners full of rubbish, 2 large boxes and 3 bin liners of toys and books which we dumped...I mean have given to friends for their kids and burnt a massive pile of other stuff as well. The rest we have put into plastic boxes to go into the cellar when the time comes. The room looks soooo much bigger now!

One nice part was looking at all the 'keepsake' stuff that we had put up there, we had awards, certificates, paintings, first shoes, cards from when the kids were born, christening gifts.........and the most lovely to look at were pictures of the kids looking so young!
I have 3 kids, Matthew (11), Lauren (Lolly) 7 and Will (8) who is my partners son but I look on as my own. The reason we are having the attic done is because the youngest 2 have been quite happily sharing but now need seperate rooms so the attic is being split in 2.
Next weekend (Stage 2) is going into the crawl space at one end of the attic to get out all the rubbish there, I am not looking forward to this as I am very much a girly girl and don't like mucky places that contain creepy crawlies! I have no idea what is stored behind there so Andy will be doing most of the emptying, I will help sort it after it has been de-bugged! lol
As for WW this week, I went over a couple of points on Thursday jsut gone but have been good since then so fingers crossed for my weigh in tomorrow night.
Good luck this week to aa you WW-ers.


  1. OMG! You are putting me to shame with your decluttering! I also started trying to ditch all my junk but so far I only got one cupboard done!!! I'm sure your hard work will ahve burned up those extra points!

  2. I couldn't do it on my own! It helps that we have a deadline for when the work starts.

    I am not normally this good! lol

